
I just love coming across scripture that speaks about identity. Not only because identity in Christ is the basis of this ministry, but also because we NEED God’s reminder of who we truly are. In the course of a day, it can be easy to forget who God says we are and take on the world’s viewpoint of who we are, based off of various circumstances. 

1 Peter 2:9 -10 tells us:

“But you are not like that, for you are a chosen people. You are royal priests, a holy nation, God’s very own possession. As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light.

10 “Once you had no identity as a people; now you are God’s people. Once you received no mercy; now you have received God’s mercy.”

Chosen- created and personally wanted by God

Royal priests -having direct access to God

Holy- set apart. 

God’s very own - His beloved daughter.

 And a living example of God’s goodness!

As simple as it is, sometimes it’s hard to wrap our minds around the fact that God identifies us as these amazing characteristics. You may question being “chosen” because you’ve experienced being rejected. You may question being “holy” because the world defines “holy” as some type of perfect person but all holy means is “set apart.” The phrase “holier than thou” is often used as a negative connotation and there’ve been times when we’ve rejected this particular trait out of the fear of seeming “too religious”.  However, God says that we are indeed set apart… HOLY. Because He wants us to be a reflection of Himself (like Father, like daughter). He says, “I am holy therefore I am calling you to be holy.” Let’s stop shying away from this beautiful trait! 

Perhaps you’re wondering how you could ever “show others the goodness of God” when you yourself, still have inner work to do. Well sis, we all do. God knew we weren’t perfect when He gave us our identity, yet He still said what He said! Remember, this walk is one of progression, not perfection. Our flaws don’t scare God. He wants us to invite Him in a do the perfecting work in us, therefore we can overcome whatever is that’s hindering us. 

As a matter of fact, today’s key scripture in 1 Peter was written by a perfectly imperfect man… Peter. Peter was an ordinary fisherman when Jesus called him to be a fisher of men so that people would believe in Jesus Christ. We also know that Peter was Jesus’s right hand man -and not because he was a perfect disciple. Peter cussed, he was outspoken, he cut off a Roman soldier’s ear, he even denied knowing Jesus in front of people out of fear. Even still, God breathed His word into Peter and used him to write some of the New Testament. The very scripture provided for us today. How is it that the very disciple who’d messed up time after time, was still confident enough to write about a critical topic like identity? Why’d God use him of all people to write to us about identity?  Because Peter could attest first hand having experienced guilt, shame, shortcomings, mistakes, all of that. But because Peter walked personally with Jesus, he could also attest to the love, grace, forgiveness and transformative power of Jesus Christ.

The same way that God used a flawed man like Peter for His glory is the same way that God is calling us to the higher living of our identity, for His glory. We as daughters of God should be drastically different from the world. The way in which we live, can impact those around us. It is not always easy but the hard work behind right living also isnt in vain. Remember, the word encourages us to “not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.” (Galatians 6:9)

He is calling us to live like woman who are royal, set apart and chosen. This choosing is not because we are better than others or because we responded to God. This choosing is a work totally of God’s grace. Not for no reason but to be a light.

Let’s not forget the latter of verse 9, “For He called you out of the darkness into His wonderful light.” I believe the fact that you’re even pursuing God by way of this devotional is pretty solid evidence of the truth found in 1Peter 2:9. Now it’s just a matter of applying it. This looks like walking away from that which is contrary to God, living in God-fidence, being patient with yourself and taking hold of God’s grace/forgiveness, loving sacrificially, recognizing the transformation that has already taking place is you and surrendering to the work that God wants to further do!

Finally, Verse 10 is a beautiful picture of God’s grace which is unearned, undeserved favor. Peter reminds us that before Jesus, we had no identity. Now, we identify as God’s sons & daughters. Heirs of Christ. He also reminds us that once, we had no mercy and now, we are DRENCHING in mercy! What a great reassurance to revert back to when we’re not feeling worthy.

Sis, you are so special in the eyes of the Lord! He said so. He made us all uniquely to do His work. Some of us are loud, some are quiet. Some are funny, some are shy. Some of us are incredibly smart and some of us are creative. How great is it that we serve a God who allows us to be authentically ourselves while we do His work? He doesn’t expect you to tone it down or up. He wants to use your unique, chosen personality to live in a way that “shows others His goodness.“ He trusts us to do that as we live up to our identity in Him.

So if you’re ever in a season of feeling insignificant, please remember that seeking God & glorifying Him is the most significant thing you could ever do! Whether we’re glorifying God through motherhood, marriage, on the job, or in private as we pray for others who don’t even know; nothing is too minor for Him. And I believe He is personally speaking that to someone today. Do not count yourself out because you’re different. We should be! 

Chosen. Royal. Holy. His. Accepted. Loved. Seen. Forgiven. Transformed. THAT IS YOU!

Let’s pray:

Father God, thank You for our identity that is found in You. It is hard to believe the God of all things chose me, but we choose to believe and walk in the fullness of who You’ve called us to be. Forgive us for the times we’ve lived as lesser versions of ourselves. Help us to see ourselves the way You do. Increase our trust and confidence in You. Help us shed off of every false identity that we’ve taken on. In the mighty name of Jesus, we reject every lie of the enemy concerning us and our lives. We accept Your truth, Lord. We also accept Your much needed grace, patience, forgiveness, mercy and power towards us. We invite You to shape us and mold us into the women You’ve called us to be. May our hearts be satisfied in You, alone. Let nothing that we gain or lose, dictate our perspective of WHO and WHOSE we are. The same way that You used imperfect Peter, use us for Your glory. The same way You Jesus, was Peter’s closest friend, be ours! We declare we’ll be women who take it a day at a time, embracing progression and avoiding the pressures of perfection. Thank You that we are who YOU say we are, dearest God.

In Jesus’s name, Amen!


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